Yoga practice for hot weather – 5 cooling yoga poses to beat the heat

It’s scorching hot outside and yet you feel like getting some exercise and some stretching. But how can you exercise so that you don’t overheat and get some relief from your workout? Patanjali, the creator of classic yoga, said that “Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind”. It turns out that yoga can also help stop the body temperature from raising. Learn yoga poses that will help you cool down and that are the perfect introduction to a longer moment of relaxation.

Anna Jankowska

Yoga practice during hot weather – general principles

Hot weather and physical activity can be quite a challenge for your body. You need to think carefully before taking on any physical activity under such conditions so that you don’t hurt yourself (rather than feel better).

Here are some basic rules regarding workouts during hot weather:

  • Try to work out early in the morning or later in the evening – avoid any effort in the middle of the day, especially between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.
  • Get your space ready – put your mat in the shadow or air the room where you’re going to work out.
  • Choose airy and light clothing – preferably made of natural fabrics. Keep your socks in your drawer – you will get most of your workout if you practice barefoot.
  • Remember to stay hydrated – make sure you drink enough liquids on a regular basis. Doctors recommend drinking around 1.5 liters of water during a one-hour workout. When you are working out longer, it is a good idea to replace water with an isotonic drink to get enough electrolytes.
  • Refrain from a very intense practice – even if you practice ashtanga yoga every day, give yourself some time to slow down.
  • Focus on the static yoga poses, especially the standing and reclining ones.
  • Choose as many cooling poses as possible (keep on reading to see a few examples).