Take a physiotherapist’s advice: these four activities are perfect for the whole family!

Discover four ways to spend time actively with your family – including the youngest and oldest members – and see for yourself that you will easily get them off the couch.

Piotr Piaskowski
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Regular physical activity is a necessary component of a healthy lifestyle at every stage of a human life. From an early age, movement is one of the most important aspects of the child's normal development, and later it becomes a key factor in maintaining a high quality of life in adulthood and old age.

Physical activity can bond generations together and make the time spent with the family far from boring, but rather great fun for everybody, regardless of age. Time spent being physically active together is more pleasant and certainly healthier and more productive than sitting around a table laden with food – or on a couch, watching TV.

There is just one fundamental question: what activity to choose, so that all family members will be able to participate in it, from the youngest ones to the eldest?


The most natural physical activity

A simple walk is the most obvious activity, available to people of all ages. Walking is the simplest way to move, and so it is always a good idea to persuade the whole family to go out even for a short stroll, for example, after a family dinner.

Walking is not tiring and does not require any special equipment. All you need is the will to do it, and the time spent together in a park or a forest will be very effective in encouraging the youngest and the oldest members of the household to be active.

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Chodzenie. Najbardziej naturalna aktywność fizyczna

Oczywiście pierwszą, najbardziej oczywistą aktywnością, która nie niesie za sobą ograniczeń wiekowych, jest po prostu spacer. Chodzenie to najprostszy sposób poruszania się, dlatego warto go wykorzystać i namówić całą rodzinę nawet na krótką przechadzkę, na przykład po rodzinnym obiedzie.

Chodzenie nie jest męczące i nie wymaga żadnego dodatkowego sprzętu. Wystarczy trochę chęci, a czas wspólnie spędzony w parku czy lesie na pewno będzie produktywnym sposobem na zaktywizowanie tych najmłodszych jak i tych najstarszych domowników.