Working out with a backpack – 10 exercises for everyone

No room to create your own home gym? PE classes at school are a sad little joke? Have you been working out for some time now and are looking for something else beyond the run-of-the-mill workout session with free weights? Whatever your age, physical fitness, proficiency level and circumstances, you can find the solution in your own backpack! Working out with a backpack is an interesting alternative to typical strength exercises. Here are some tips to get you started.

Working out with a backpack – what is it all about?

First, not everyone has easy access to a fully stacked dumbbell and kettlebell rack, but virtually everyone owns a backpack. With a little creativity, everyone can turn it into an effective workout tool.

Working out with a backpack strongly resembles a sandbag training session. You can use a backpack as a load in functional exercises, to replace traditional dumbbells or take advantage of its dynamics, just as you would when exercising with kettlebells. A shifted center of gravity and the load which moves during the exercise make it more important to control and stabilize your movements.

The greatest advantage of a workout with a backpack is its easy accessibility – you can do it everywhere, easily adjusting the load to your individual physical capacity – the sky is the limit when it comes to the types of exercises you can perform.

How should you prepare for a backpack workout session?

In most cases, a typical schoolbag will be enough and virtually any backpack will do. When getting ready to exercise, pay attention to some practical aspects, though, as they can make your workout more comfortable. Any protruding elements, such as clasps, locks, buckles or straps can interfere with certain movements, get damaged or cause small but irritating injuries (abrasions or cuts). This is why “serious” trekking backpacks or traditional-style leather schoolbags will not necessarily be the best choice. More is less when it comes to exercise gear. A simple regular shaped backpack without superfluous accessories, made of a suitably durable material which ensures a secure grasp will do just fine.

What can be used as load? The answer is pretty straightforward – anything you can fit into the backpack. Dumbbells or plates, books, notebooks, drink bottles, the content of your clothes drawers – anything you have at your disposal.

Choose your load depending on your individual capacity – before you start working out, put the backpack on your bathroom scales to check how much it weights. Think about how you will easily change the load during your workout and arrange the content of the backpack so that no hard or protruding elements interfere with your exercise routine. This is why it is a good idea to load your workout backpack with a set of sand-filled PET bottles with various volumes, as well as a big blanket. If you know the weight of the bottles, you can quickly and precisely adjust your load, while the blanket will help to stabilize and secure the contents. You can also use it to relax on after a successful outdoor workout.

We do not think there is any need to remind you of such obvious facts as correct nutrition and hydration, a sporting outfit and careful warm-up?