Winter activities for the whole family? Check out our 7 great ideas

Another snowfall and temperature drop below zero? Find out how many health benefits, and how much fun, can be had from engaging in outdoor activities together! There’re at least five good reasons to organize and enjoy family fun in the snow...

One: immunity

Each winter, the Internet is filled with images of Scandinavian children napping in their strollers outside in the cold weather. Northern countries are known for their tradition of ‘toughening up’ young bodies from a very early age. Engaging in such activities contributes to the development of lifelong immunity. It’s a good idea to emulate the Scandinavian approach and prioritize body adaptation to cold temperatures.

Two: all the benefits of exercise

Winter activities provide the same health benefits as summer holiday pursuits. In fact, it may even be healthier because exercising in the snow, which offers natural resistance, and in cold temperatures, places increased demands on the body, leading to higher calorie expenditure.

Three: vitamin D

Vitamin D, or the ‘sunshine vitamin’, helps maintain a healthy bone structure, improves the immune function, and supports the body in preventing diabetes and heart disease. During the winter months, our bodies are unable to synthesize sufficient vitamin D via the skin. However, in addition to a vitamin D-rich diet and supplements, it’s still a good idea to get outdoors and expose the skin to natural sunlight as much as possible.

Four: good mood

In addition to being good for the body, exercise has a profound impact on mental well-being. Fun in the snow can help with the low mood often experienced during short winter days. What’s more, if you opt for joint family activities, you enhance your bonds and enjoy the experience of being together.

Five: energy boost

Despite feeling tired after winter activities, you’ll ultimately find yourself more energized thanks to their invigorating effects. Why is that? Because outdoor pursuits oxygenate the body, which is difficult to achieve during long periods spent indoors in heated rooms.

Key tips to bear in mind when venturing into the snow with your family

Check the air quality and temperature

Both heavy smog and severe frost are reasons to avoid exercising outdoors during winter. Healthy breathing takes place through the nose, which both filters and warms the incoming air. However, this natural barrier won’t withstand extremely low temperatures or pollution. While media alerts about smog are usually straightforward, the interpretation of ‘severe frost’ varies from person to person. When taking children outdoors, it’s important to consider the advice of pediatricians who recommend avoiding walks in temperatures below -6 degrees for infants and below -10 degrees for older children.

Remember to hydrate

Unlike in the summer, we tend to forget about a water bottle when venturing out for a cold-weather workout. However, maintaining proper body hydration is crucial even in frosty weather.

Hat, scarf, and more

Activity warms you up – also in winter. Be sure to wear layered clothing and adjust the layers to meet the immediate conditions. As in the summer, it’s important to remember to wick away moisture (and protect yourself from it). Both your jacket and boots, and if possible also the pants, should be waterproof. Applying a suitable face cream to protect the skin is also recommended.

Ready to go? Now it’s time to choose the activity that aligns best with your interests! You’re sure to find something suitable for yourself in the list below.

1. Target throwing competition

Traditional snowball fights might carry some risks, but throwing snowballs at a target is a perfectly safe and enjoyable pastime for the whole family! In addition to fostering healthy competition (you can play in teams), it serves as a fantastic workout for the arms and improves coordination.

2. Snow building activities

Making and rolling snowballs, and stacking them atop one another, is more than just creative family fun. Such activities provide an effective full-body workout, especially toning your arms and abs. The best thing is that you won’t even notice the effort!