What are the effects of physical activity on the human brain?

A healthy mind is in a healthy body – this phrase is so commonly heard that nobody stops to think what it actually means. Physical activity and mental well-being are more interconnected than one might initially realize.

Let’s begin by examining the impact of exercise on people’s mood. Then, we’ll look into ways to support our mental well-being.

  1. Anti-stress effect

Physical exercise not only assists in relieving the immediate effects of stress but also builds up resilience to future stressors [1]. Even a single session of physical activity can alleviate tension (mainly because movement is interpreted as a release from the body’s instinctive response to stress, which is geared towards a vigorous reaction). However, for a long-lasting effect, regular exercise is recommended [2, 3].

  1. Agency and self-confidence

Exercise greatly improves the sense of agency and, consequently, boosts confidence [3]. Even if you work on improving muscle strength, you build strength of character in the process. And the best thing is that it happens without a conscious effort.

  1. Improved mood

Engaging in physical activity has a real impact on well-being. Of course, exercise won’t work as a sole remedy for clinical depression. However, it serves as a valuable support in the treatment and prevention of depressive states. Physical activity also helps overcome anxiety [4] and restore mental balance. As with stress, the best results come from incorporating physical activity into your regular schedule.

  1. Kick your addictions

Regular exercise provides valuable support in getting rid of the effects of addictions and the addictions themselves [4]. So if you add visits to the gym to your list of New Year’s resolutions alongside quitting smoking, you may finally succeed in achieving your goal.

  1. Enhanced concentration capacity

Whether you’re gearing up for an exam or tackling a challenging work project, make sure to incorporate physical activity into your preparation schedule [4].

  1. Better quality of sleep

Along with regular physical activity comes a regular sleep routine. Exercise improves the quality of sleep by reducing the REM phase and the time it takes to fall asleep [3, 4].

  1. Prevention of diseases

Maintaining physical fitness is also a protective factor against neurodegenerative diseases [4], the risk of which increases with age.

Let’s explore the effects of physical activity on the brain which ultimately result in a cascade of benefits such as improved mood, enhanced learning capacity, and better quality of sleep.

Read also: “Benefits of meditation and relaxation for athletes”.

Blood and oxygen – fuel for the brain

It’s fairly self-evident that physical activity improves blood flow and oxygenation of the body. It turns out that these processes also have a very strong impact on the brain. Improved oxygenation and nutrient supply are among the contributing factors to the enhancement of cognitive functions through physical activity.

Knowledge factors

One of the key substances used by the human body in the process of learning and remembering is brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF contributes to the development of neurons, their survival and ability to withstand stress, along with improving synaptic plasticity. In brief, it targets all the fundamental components needed for learning and cognitive processes. To achieve healthy BDNF levels, you need physical activity [3]. So, simplifying things a bit, exercise improves memory.

Similarly beneficial is the impact of exercise on the level of another factor which, theoretically, has nothing to do with learning, but quite a lot with... growth. It is IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor [3]. Interestingly, IGF-1 also affects neurogenesis (process of generating new nerve cells) along with improving learning and cognitive performance.