Warm-up From a Trainer Before a Trip to the Mountains

Mountain hiking is a popular leisure activity, especially in summer and autumn. Although it is an activity available to virtually everyone, it is worth thoroughly preparing for it. Proper training before the hike will make it much more enjoyable, and the risk of possible injury will be significantly reduced. Check out what to do before you set off on the mountain trail!

Agata Brama

When to start training before a trip to the mountains?

Even if before the anticipated holiday you had missed out on the opportunity to take care of your shape, remember that training started a month or even two weeks before the trip will be better than nothing. After all, mountain hiking is an activity that often lasts many hours, with short stops, and we usually do it several days in a row. A stagnant body, accustomed to sitting for hours at a time, can have a lot of trouble coping with such intense exertion. Of course, the best scenario is to care for your shape all year round – in such case, you are least likely to be surprised by something on the mountain trail.

Legs strong as a rock – in the mountains, it’s a must

The claim that strong leg muscles are of great importance in mountain hiking is unlikely to come as a surprise to anyone. In both going uphill and downhill, it is the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and calves that are subjected to the most strain. The stronger this muscle group is, the easier and more enjoyable hiking on mountain trails will be. 

How to prepare your leg muscles for such an effort? The best way to increase the strength of the buttocks, thighs and calves will be multi-joint exercises with free weights, such as squats, lunges, box climbs and hip thrusts. Multi-joint exercises allow you to engage multiple muscle groups in the legs at the same time, and the extra weight is a stronger stimulus to increase muscle strength. Besides, an additional load, such as a barbell placed on the shoulders, will get our bodies used to carrying on the trip a backpack filled to the brim with provisions or a carrier with a baby.

Read also: "Working out with a backpack – 10 exercises for everyone".

In this case, isolation exercises (performed on machines) will have less impact on the strength of leg muscles, but can easily serve as auxiliary exercises.