Exercises you will do even when motivation is close to zero. Believe you can!

Want to exercise but can’t bring yourself to do it? Sometimes there are days when you plan to make a start, a new beginning, to change something in your life or to continue something after a break, but you are terrified of what will happen. Or at the very thought of the first step, everything is off-putting. Don’t worry – every person feels it every now and then.

Milena Traczyńska

It may happen that you are looking for motivation to exercise, you are ready to start, you just need to change into your sportswear and... at this point you feel like you don’t want to do it, because it would be good to put on a sports bra, a T-shirt, shorts to make it comfortable to exercise, and then you have to take a shower, the training takes a long time...

The list of adversities goes on and on. We know this from experience, which is why I have an exercise for you that requires no effort, just a bit of willingness and a minute that you can spend exercising literally anywhere. Movement makes the body produce endorphins, or happy hormones. Sometimes all it takes is a little exercise to give your body extra relaxation.

Exercises you can do when you’re not motivated

King of the gluteal and thigh muscles – the squat. Did you know that everyone is capable of doing squats while brushing their teeth, pouring water into the bathtub, or waiting for something? By doing squats and other body movements with your hands at the same time, you exercise your psychomotor coordination. Rest assured, it is doable for everyone, although the beginnings can be uncoordinated. Back to the essence of the exercise: wherever you are, you can do 20 squats or instead, if you prefer, you can do a half squat – hips pushed back, feet parallel to each other, hip-width apart, arms extended in front of you, hold for 30 seconds.

Did you know that flexing muscles without making a movement is called isometric training? You can exercise anywhere and no one will notice!