Top 10 exercises to boost your metabolism

The type of workout you choose, as well as the specific exercises and their intensity, all have an impact on your metabolic rate. Learn about the best exercises to elevate your metabolism to the next level!

Agata Brama

Intensity is top priority

Even the most professional and advanced exercises will do nothing for your metabolic rate if they are not intensive enough. There are several ways to check if your exercise intensity is sufficient to improve your metabolism. A good idea is to know your maximum heart rate (HRmax) and to work within your heart’s specific beats per minute (BPM) ranges.

To calculate your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220:

220 - (your age) = maximum heart rate in beats per minute (HR max)

For example, for a 40 year old, the maximum heart rate calculated as above is 180 beats per minute.

Here are the three target heart rate zones which you can use to boost your metabolism:

  • Zone 1: 65-75% of your HRmax (e.g. walking or light jogging)
  • Zone 2: 76-85% of your HRmax (e.g. a fitness or spinning class)
  • Zone 3: 86-95% of your HRmax (e.g. HIIT or sprints).

Read also: “Heart rate zones – what are they and why is it important to know them?”.

What kind of workout works best to enhance your metabolism?

Any physical activity, even doing your daily chores, will have a positive effect on your metabolic rate. However, the most recommended exercises to try if you want to boost your metabolic processes include:

  • HIIT – high intensity interval training. You can try various HIIT styles, such as tabata, which means that you work for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds and repeat this 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. Besides tabata, there are other variations of interval training, such as e.g. 30 seconds of work with 30 seconds of rest (1:1), 30 seconds of work with one minute of rest (1:2), as well as others, which you can pick and choose from to fit your capacity. It is important to give it your best while you are working to make sure you stay as close to your HRmax as possible.
  • Strength training – an excellent way to maintain and build up muscle mass. To a large extent, it is muscle mass that determines the rate of your metabolism – increase it by doing strength exercises, working with your own body mass or with additional weights, such as dumbbells, barbells or kettlebells.