From movement to stillness – the evolution of our activity
Although we are neither the strongest nor the fastest representatives of the animal world, in the course of evolution, an elaborate motor apparatus has enabled us to move efficiently over long distances. Bipedalism was an evolutionary adaptation that over time also allowed us to become hunter-gatherers. And this happened because our hands, freed from locomotor functions, made it possible, among other things, to use increasingly sophisticated tools.
At a later stage, mastery of fire and cultivation of land allowed us to switch to a less mobile, though still active, lifestyle. One of the next key breakthroughs was the industrial revolution, through which new forms of work increasingly required great physical effort. In contrast, the development of modern technology in the 20th century made the sitting position an everyday reality – although it is not at all in line with our natural biological predisposition.
Stillness – a source of health problems
Much has been written about the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle, yet it still affects more than half of Europe’s population. Choosing a more comfortable chair seems natural and obvious, but in reality it has nothing to do with our natural physiology. Despite the feeling of comfort, prolonged sitting places a huge strain on the human musculoskeletal system.
To better understand where this problem comes from, let us go back to childhood. When we were children, we had no problem spending long periods of time on the floor. We lay and sat in a variety of positions, changed them easily and got up without difficulty. As we grew older, however, we began to avoid sitting on the floor, and if we did, we felt the discomfort of holding and changing positions and getting up. So in search of comfort, we would choose chairs with increasingly higher seats.
The problem is that the sitting position on the chair is a forced one, in which we remain for a long time. This leads to overloading of the spine and skeletal muscles, naturally adapted to movement and standing. The compression of various muscle groups causes their ischemia, and a hunched posture further impedes the heart and lungs. This results in shallow breathing and lower capacity.
As muscle flexibility decreases, so does the mobility and stability of our posture – and this can lead to further discomfort in the form of pain, cramps or problems with natural movement. Increasing fatigue, shortness of breath and joint pains make us sit down in a chair again, and thus – back to the source of the problems.
Holistic fitness – a remedy for modern woes?
The fitness world is increasingly trying to find answers to the challenges of today’s sedentary lifestyle. The development of trends related to a return to nature, wellness and mindfulness has resulted in a holistic approach to physical activity. This philosophy treats our body and spirit as an inseparable whole, not just a collection of muscles to be exercised. A holistic lifestyle, then, is more than just training – it is also about taking care of a natural, unprocessed diet, getting the right amount and quality of sleep, and working on deepening self-awareness.
Although holistic methods are gaining popularity, there are some risks involved. The effectiveness of such practices and potential side effects still require more thorough research. Moreover, the level of knowledge and competence of the trainers who promote them varies, which can affect the quality of training. Also, not everyone will find themselves in the metaphysical atmosphere that often accompanies this type of exercise.
Our goal is not to discourage this form of training. However, it is worth remembering to approach activity responsibly, choosing forms of exercise that naturally engage many different muscle groups and make you feel good.
Natural movement every day
Finally, some simple tips to help bring natural movement back into our daily lives and counteract the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. You will not find here miracle remedies for all ailments, but practical ideas to help break the routine of modern life.
- Change your body position. If you have to sit, it is a good idea to change positions as often as possible. Fidgeting and looking for new possibilities offered by our chair or armchair is the bare minimum. Why is it so important? Frequent change of position reduces the negative effects of staying in one forced position for long periods of time.
- Sit on the floor. When watching a TV series, playing board games or reading a book, it is a good idea to get off the chair or couch and sit on the floor. It may be less convenient at first, but that’s the point. Sitting on the floor supports hip mobility and encourages frequent changes in position, which is crucial for our health.
- Choose an active lifestyle. Instead of sitting, get up and take a few steps – if only during a break at work. Instead of driving, choose to walk to the bus stop. Get off the bus a stop earlier to cover part of the distance on foot. Instead of the lift, choose the stairs. These small changes – if they become a habit – can have a really positive impact on your health.
- Discover NEAT. Can you weave spontaneous, low-intensity physical activity into your daily routine? Great! Working in the garden, walking the dog, taking a bike ride, playing outdoors with the kids... Any of these activities keeps your body from forgetting its busy nature.
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