Team sports are excellent adrenaline boosters – they get adrenaline pumping in the players themselves and in the multitude of fans who frequently perceive the world league games as spectacular shows. What makes them different than other disciplines? All team members work to achieve their goal; teamwork based on common tactics, mutual trust and engagement is the key to success. Do you know that you too can feel like a sports star with your MultiSport Card?😊
Just one ball and a huge amount of benefits
As we are thinking about the most popular team sports, we must quote Kazimierz Górski, the legendary coach of the Polish national football team: “The ball is round and there are two goals” and “you can win the game, lose the game or you can tie”. 😊 Those simple rules, which can be slightly modified to individual sports disciplines, characterise all the most popular team sports, be it football, basketball or volleyball, as well as handball, water polo or hockey.
While the latter two disciplines require certain skills in swimming and skating, those skills can be developed with the MultiSport Card, right? 😉 Either way, gry zespołowe are an excellent workout and leisure activity for everyone! Your age, sex and – contrary to appearances – even the shape you’re in or your current capabilities do not matter. The most important thing is whether you are willing to try and improve your skills in a sport in which you must be able to play with others to achieve a common goal (whichever discipline you prefer 😉).
[Translate to English:]
Piłka jest jedna, a korzyści – mnóstwo
Myśląc o najpopularniejszych grach zespołowych, nie sposób zapomnieć słów legendarnego selekcjonera polskiej kadry, Kazimierza Górskiego: „Piłka jest okrągła, a bramki są dwie”, a „mecz można wygrać, przegrać albo zremisować” 😊 Te proste zasady – z lekką modyfikacją, w zależności od dyscypliny – są charakterystyczne dla wszystkich najpopularniejszych sportów zespołowych, jak piłka nożna, koszykówka czy siatkówka, ale też piłka ręczna, piłka wodna czy hokej.
Te dwie ostatnie wymagają wprawdzie umiejętności pływania i jeżdżenia na łyżwach, ale z kartą MultiSport da się zrobić, prawda? 😉 Tak czy inaczej – gry zespołowe to świetny trening i rozrywka absolutnie dla każdego! Nie ma tu znaczenia wiek ani płeć, ani nawet – wbrew pozorom – to, w jakiej jesteś formie czy jakie masz aktualnie umiejętności. Najważniejsze to chęć spróbowania i doskonalenia swoich sił w sporcie, w którym liczy się umiejętność wspólnego grania do jednej bramki (albo do jednego kosza czy też na drużynę przeciwnika po prostu – jak wolisz 😉).
Apart from the obvious benefits of physical activity and building your shape thanks to dynamic movement at a field, pitch or court, you will be also able to work on other skills that are important during and after game time. Here are just a few skills fostered through team sports:
- communication skills – the fate of a game depends on the players’ ability to understand one another, but the ability to pick up on non-verbal cues by the other team is also crucial 😊
- decisive action – sports plays happen very fast (or at least they should), which means that the teammates must learn to make effective snap decisions in unexpected situations;
- teamwork – even the biggest star on a field, pitch or court won’t achieve anything on his or her own, which is why it is so important not only to have skills but also the ability to use them to achieve a common goal;
- a sense of community – competition is important but collaboration with others and understanding your role in the team are skills that are invaluable not only in a team sport but also at work, at school or even your... home team 😊
What team sports are available with the MultiSport card?
If you enjoy team sports and would love to have regular trainings or if you simply want to give it a try, there is no better way than to do it with the MultiSport Card! As a card user, you can use our offer of leisure-time activities that are available on our portal at: Sign up, find a suitable facility and a date, and make the best of your time at a field, pitch or court, whatever the season of the year.
And if you are anything like coach Górski... why not renting a field and get your own team?😊 Anything is possible with the MultiSport Card – just enter the game!