Keep your traveler’s spirit alive when the vacation is over. With your MultiSport card, you can set new directions for your sports passion all year round and discover activities that will take you to exotic places where they originate. You are both the guide and the traveler – and we give you tips on what to put on the map of your sports discoveries.
Check out the martial arts
The Far East is the cradle of martial arts – disciplines in which physical competition is intertwined with a profound philosophy of unity between the body and mind. In addition to building up muscle strength, agility, coordination and body control, an integral part of the workout is spiritual development, so that energy generated in physical activity can be used in combat against potential opponents.
The fighting techniques developed by ancient masters have nothing to do with pure brute force. Instead, they are based on profound respect for the opponent and the ability to act consistently, accept defeat with humility, and work towards your goals with patience.
Martial arts training is more than a fascinating journey into the depths of Far Eastern philosophy and culture. It is also a field where you can discover new styles, varying not only in terms of their country of origin, but also in technique, dynamics, distinctive characteristics or degree of difficulty.
Why not try tai chi – a form of meditative exercise originating in China – or explore the secrets of effective self-defense during Japanese judo training? Whichever option you choose, it will transport you to the heart of Asia, no matter where you train.
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Zorientuj się w sztukach walki
Daleki Wschód to kolebka sztuk walki – dyscyplin, w których sportowa rywalizacja łączy się ściśle z głęboką filozofią jednoczesnego treningu ciała i umysłu. Oprócz budowania siły mięśni, zwinności, koordynacji czy panowania nad ciałem, integralną częścią treningów jest praca nad rozwojem duchowym, którego celem jest wykorzystanie energii płynącej z siły fizycznej do obrony przed potencjalnym przeciwnikiem.
Techniki zadawania ciosów, opracowane przez starożytnych mistrzów, nie mają nic wspólnego z czystą agresją, ale oparte są na głębokim szacunku do rywala, umiejętności konsekwentnego działania, pokornego znoszenia porażek i cierpliwym dążeniu do obranego celu.
Trenowanie sztuk walki to nie tylko fascynująca podróż w głąb dalekowschodniej filozofii i kultury – to też pole do odkrywania kolejnych stylów, różniących się nie tylko krajem pochodzenia, ale techniką, dynamiką, charakterem czy stopniem trudności.
Może spróbujesz wywodzącej się z Chin gimnastyki medytacyjnej znanej jako tai-chi albo zgłębisz tajniki skutecznej samoobrony na treningach japońskiego judo? Jakikolwiek styl wybierzesz, z pewnością przeniesiesz się w samo serce Azji – i to niezależnie od miejsca, w którym trenujesz.
Go for zumba to discover America… and more!
Zumba was created in the 1990s in Colombia, and since then it has taken the world of fitness by storm as a unique combination of dance movements and aerobic training suitable literally for everyone. Group classes can take place in a dance hall or outdoors. The key element is upbeat music, to which choreography is set, drawing on both traditional aerobics and dancing: from basic Latin American styles (salsa, bachata or reggaeton), through tango and flamenco, to hip-hop, samba and even belly dancing.
Zumba is not only a way to have fun and embark on a journey of music and dance. Above all, it is an efficient form of cardio exercise that helps you burn up to 1,000 calories in just one hour! Regular zumba classes will improve your fitness, transform your body shape and boost your endorphins, as well as giving you a shot of energy from the hottest regions of the world.
Nordic walking – what is it all about?
Nordic walking is a form of recreation which originated in Finland in the early 20th century. In Finnish, its name literally means "walking with poles". Originally intended as an all-year-round training exercise for cross-country skiers, it quickly gained popularity around the world as an activity to pursue regardless of the weather, age, body weight or health status. Nordic walking is a unique technique of brisk marching with specially designed walking poles. Its main benefit is that it engages additional muscles, other than those you use during regular walking.
The correct technique of leaning on the poles, which should be consulted with an experienced instructor before your first session, will not only help you burn calories more intensively while walking, but also relieve stress on the joints, reduce muscle tension in the shoulders, develop arm and upper body strength, and improve your posture and overall coordination.
Ready to embark on a sporty journey after the vacation period? Check out the list of sports facilities available with your MultiSport card and challenge yourself to discover activities from various parts of the globe!