Whether you spent the summer in the tropics or in your own backyard – feeling the blues and stressing over going back to reality may quickly sour the pleasant memories of your relaxing holiday time. Yes, post-holiday blues is a thing – it has been scientifically estimated to affect even 70% of all holiday-makers... Fortunately, we have some tried and tested solutions to lift your spirits after getting back home and with the MultiSport Card you can try them all!
Post-vacation recreation: a trip to the sauna or to the salt cave?
Are you already missing the sun and the summer vibes? Find them in your hometown! To find the perfect relaxing setting resembling a tropical beach, try visiting a sauna – choose between a dry (Finnish) sauna, a steam bath (Roman sauna) or the increasingly popular infrared sauna, where heat is generated by special heaters. A sauna is the perfect place to relax in, but it also promotes good health – regular visits to a room with the perfect humidity and temperature have a positive impact on the respiratory and immune system, they improve skin condition, reduce muscle tone and even help to lose weight. If you have no specific contraindications to use the sauna, find the right place in your area and forget about those autumn chills.
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Przebywanie w saunie ma nie tylko walory relaksacyjne, ale też lecznicze: regularne seanse w pomieszczeniu o optymalnej wilgotności i temperaturze pozytywnie wpływają na układ oddechowy i odpornościowy, poprawiają stan skóry, zmniejszają napięcia mięśniowe, a nawet sprzyjają redukcji masy ciała. Jeśli tylko nie masz wyraźnych przeciwwskazań do korzystania z sauny, już dziś znajdź odpowiedni obiekt w swojej okolicy i zapomnij na chwilę o jesiennych chłodach.
A maritime microclimate is within your reach with the MultiSport card... Are you finding it hard to believe? Visit a salt cave! It is a room padded with blocks of salt from the sea or a salt mine. A special heating and ventilation system makes the salt evaporate and imbues the air with essential elements, such as iodine, potassium, magnesium, silica, calcium and many others. Staying in the salt cave is not only a way to improve your health, but also a reliable method to calm your nerves and relieve stress as you go back to your regular work routine.
Keep calm and do yoga!
Are you tired of living in the fast lane? Indulge in multi-dimensional relaxation in yoga classes. If you feel you miss the time you had for yourself during the holidays, yoga will be a great way for you to take a breather and practice awareness to understand what your body and soul need. Rest assured – the time necessary to do your asana sequence will not ruin your daily schedule. Rather than that, it will boost your performance and be a respite from the constant onslaught of nagging thoughts and events.
Replace post-vacation stress with... a runner’s high
Can you remember the joy and bliss you felt after practicing watersports or climbing to the top of a mountain? You owe that to endorphins – hormones whose level in the body rises abruptly as a result of intense physical exercise, leaving you with a feeling of euphoric happiness (this is also called “runner’s high”). Don’t wait for a better time to plan your workouts – just think about what will get you moving faster: the gym, fitness classes, swimming, spinning or dancing?
Remember that with the MultiSport card you have as many as 25 different options to choose from to improve your mood – exactly what you need to nip the post-holiday blues in the bud. Good luck!