Planetary Health Diet – What Is It and Why Is It So Important?

One can write endlessly about how harmful human activity is to the planet. Sadly. Climate change is threatening the lives of people and animals around the world. Droughts, fires, poor air quality, water pollution, and people’s low awareness of global warming do not bode well for the future. The European Union is taking action, aiming to achieve the so-called climate neutrality by 2050. For now, Poland is doing a poor job of implementing the changes. Each of us, however, has an impact on what happens to the environment. An important step will be to start the so-called planetary health diet. Its simple principles are proof that individual involvement matters and is needed.

Where did the planetary health diet come from?

In 2019, the EAT-Lancet Commission presented the concept of a diet that is planet-friendly [1]. It is composed primarily of plant-based products and assumes a significant reduction in animal-based ones, as well as sugar and saturated fats. It is worth mentioning that it does not exclude their consumption, but the basis of the menu is supposed to include:

  • wholegrain products,
  • fruit and vegetables,
  • nuts,
  • legumes.

Importantly, the planetary health diet also indicates how many calories an adult should eat a day. On average, it is about 2,500 kcal, although everyone should individually determine their needs. The premise, however, is not to overeat, not to waste food and to prevent diseases of civilization – mainly obesity.

The planetary health diet brings only benefits. It is healthy, nutritious, and at the same time reduces CO2 emissions and carbon footprint. The whole concept was developed by 37 leading scientists from around the world, who set out to answer an important question: will we be able to feed a population of 10 billion people in the future with a healthy diet? The answer is:

“Yes, but this will not be possible without changing eating habits, improving food production and reducing food waste”. [2]

The Commission has also released a special report in 11 languages, which not only gives a lot of data on healthy eating, but also suggestions for a balanced diet.