An exercise plan, a workout schedule or a fitness programme – whatever you call it, it is all about ensuring the right distribution of your workout sessions during the week. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced fitness buff – it is worth having a plan! Why?
To get motivated!
By arranging your exercise schedule and assigning types of activity to various days of the week, you will keep your motivation up and work out regularly. A ready schedule will let you stick to a specific predetermined framework.
To make your exercise routine more varied
When exercising spontaneously, we are very often limited to a single activity, which we are best at – that is a mistake! It is a good idea to arrange a varied training plan for all-round body conditioning.
Runners, for instance, should not neglect strength training and fitness fans should remember to stretch. Body builders should not shy away from cardio or mobilization workouts.
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Urozmaicisz ćwiczenia
Bardzo często ćwicząc spontanicznie, ograniczamy się do jednej aktywności, która wychodzi nam najlepiej – to błąd! Warto urozmaicać swoje ćwiczenia, żeby rozwijać ciało ogólnorozwojowo.
Na przykład biegacze powinni zadbać o trening wzmacniający, osoby trenujące fitness muszą pamiętać o rozciąganiu, a osoby trenujące siłowo – o wysiłku cardio czy mobilizacji.
To align your activity with your goal
Whether you want to lose or gain weight, start exercising on a regular basis or improve your overall fitness, a good plan will go a long way.
By putting it all down on paper, in your agenda or phone, you can adjust your training routine to your goals, rather than pursuing random activity types.
To let your body regenerate properly
An exercise plan will help you to plan your days off in advance, to help your body rest and regenerate. It is essential!
To fit your workout sessions around your lifestyle
A schedule will allow you to plan your workouts so that they are doable and do not clash with your other obligations.