Boost your self-confidence and attract other people’s attention
Did you know that nine out of ten people believe that physical activity lifts your spirits and improves your body image and 47% of Poles believe that physical activity raises your chances of finding a partner?
Regular workouts help you to get in shape, reduce unwanted body fat and sculpt your muscles to make you look attractive and youthful. By working out, you build your body and your character. You are goal-oriented, consistent in what you do and more open to new challenges and new people.
“Physical activity is a very interesting parameter of attractiveness which we intuitively associate with desirable physical properties, such as a shapely, athletic figure, but also with positive character traits. When we see somebody doing sports, we presuppose that they are self-confident, sociable, open to challenges or more sexually capable. All of these traits are a sign of attractiveness and all naturally pique our interest,” explains sexologist Robert Kowalczyk, PhD.
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Regularne treningi poprawiają wygląd Twojej sylwetki, redukują zbędną tkankę tłuszczową i podkreślają mięśnie, zapewniając Ci młody i atrakcyjny wygląd. Trenując, ćwiczysz nie tylko ciało, ale również charakter. Jesteś ukierunkowany na cel, konsekwentny w działaniu i bardziej otwarty na nowe wyzwania, a także ludzi.
Aktywność fizyczna to bardzo ciekawy parametr atrakcyjności, który intuicyjnie łączymy nie tylko z pożądanymi cechami fizycznymi – takimi jak zgrabna, wysportowana sylwetka, ale także z pozytywnymi cechami charakteru. Gdy widzimy osobę uprawiającą sport z góry zakładamy, że jest ona pewna siebie, systematyczna, towarzyska, otwarta na wyzwania, czy też bardziej sprawna seksualnie. Te wszystkie cechy są przejawem atrakcyjności i naturalnie wzbudzają nasze zainteresowanie – tłumaczy dr Robert Kowalczyk, seksuolog.
You fall in love all over again... with physical activity after every workout!
You must know the excitement and racing heart that go hand in hand with falling in love.
As it turns out, the brain function is similar when you are in love and when you are physically active. The reactions taking part in the brain trigger a pleasant feeling of bliss and tranquility, while automatically reducing the level of anxiety we experience.
“Engaging in a physical activity you enjoy activates the same brain circuits that being in love does.[...] The similarity between the effects of physical activity and falling in love is good news for singles, who may feel the proverbial butterflies in their stomachs while working out,” says Paweł Boguszewski, PhD, a neurobiologist.
You build a conscious relationship with your partner
If you want to build a positive and lasting relationship, introduce sports into your life together.
It is important to display your mutual affection, but spending time together and taking on new challenges is the best recipe for a happy and engaging relationship. Don't believe it? Still, it is true and confirmed as such by 75% of Poles, who believe that physical activity has a positive influence on their relationship with their partner.
This fact is also emphasized by neurobiologist Paweł Boguszewski, PhD: “When we engage in physical activity together and especially when we work out synchronically, mirror neuron systems are triggered in our brains. These are groups of neural cells which allow us to understand the other person’s movement, emotions and feelings”.
So, the only thing you can do now is grab your comfy workout clothes and work up a sweat. Appreciate your favorite type of physical activity – after all, you and sports are a match made in heaven!
Would you like to learn about more interesting studies about love and sports? Download the St. Valentine’s Day edition of the MultiSport Index!