How to put on weight? Ways to gain weight with fast metabolism

While most workout and diet guides focus on effective methods for weight loss, the problem of weight gain remains unsolved. Read how you can increase weight in a healthy way with fast metabolism – how to eat and how to exercise.

Agata Brama

Energy balance and weight gain

Fast metabolism is usually a combination of several factors. It can result from lifestyle (intensively doing sports, physical labour) and genetic conditions. Whatever the reason, fast metabolism is associated with a high daily energy expenditure. In simple terms, people with fast metabolism burn more calories per day than those with slower one.

Regardless of your metabolic rate, you should consume as many calories per day as your daily energy expenditure to maintain your current body weight. Consuming fewer calories than required results in weight loss. Similarly, consuming more calories than we burn in a day will result in weight gain.

Weight gain is dependent on the dietary strategies used and on physical activity. If we consume far more calories than our needs, while getting little physical activity, we will gain body fat. Adipose tissue in our body acts as an energy store, so any calories not consumed for the body’s needs will be stored in adipose tissue for later.

If our goal is to expand muscle tissue, a stimulus in the form of physical activity will be necessary. When doing sports, muscle fibres are torn, then in the post-workout period they are rebuilt more than enough – so that the muscles are prepared for the next workout of similar intensity. Additional energy substrates are required for the aforementioned superstructure – which is why muscles are only able to grow under conditions of positive energy balance.