1. Time
When putting together a workout plan, it’s good to be a realist. You need to be clear about how much time per day and how many days per week you can allocate to working out, so that you are able to balance physical activity with work, family, and social life. Otherwise, your plan will fall apart, and you will get frustrated because “it didn't work out – again”.
A single workout session, including warm-up and stretching, should take between 30 and 90 minutes. Plan your daily activities in time blocks. Choose whether you prefer to exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening.
Working out seven times a week doesn’t make any sense. You need one day, or better still two days, to give your body time to regenerate and recover. Personal trainers agree that most people will achieve their workout goal by exercising three or four days a week. Extremely active people can work out five days per week, but beginners should start with two workout units to get their workout regime in motion.
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Jednorazowy trening, łącznie z rozgrzewką i rozciąganiem, powinien trwać od 30 do 90 minut. Zaplanuj swoje codzienne aktywności w blokach czasowych. Określ, czy wolisz trenować rano, popołudniu czy może wieczorem.
Pamiętaj, że trening siedem razy w tygodniu nie ma najmniejszego sensu – potrzebujesz jednego dnia, a najlepiej dwóch dni na zasłużoną regenerację. Trenerzy personalni są zgodni, że większość osób osiągnie swój cel treningowy, ćwicząc 3-4 dni w tygodniu. Osoby wyjątkowo aktywne mogą trenować przez 5 dni w tygodniu, a początkujące na dobry początek powinny zacząć od dwóch jednostek treningowych w tygodniu.
2. Goal
Having a goal is the key. Ask yourself what you want to achieve by working out: a slimmer body, more muscle growth, better endurance, flexibility or mobility? Next, choose the workout and sports activities that help you get closer to achieving your goal. Remember, physical activity should not be monotonous. It’s important to combine various forms of training.
Your workout plan should include at least one longer session of medium intensity (running, spinning, cross-trainer, rowing machine), one 20- to 40-minute session of high intensity (preferably full-body or Tabata training), and one fitness/strength-oriented session.
To achieve the best results, stick to your workout plan for four to five weeks and then design a new one, so that your muscles feel the difference. It is also important to sequence your workouts properly and increase exercise intensity as the week progresses.
The intensity of your workouts should increase, with lighter training sessions at the beginning of the week and intensive workouts mid-week, followed by either a slow-paced workout or a day off. Then you can go for a longer walk, do some stretching or have a relaxing yoga session.
3. Self-awareness
Think about whether you can achieve your goal on your own or perhaps it would be a good idea to enlist the help of a personal trainer. Depending on your goal, you should also adjust your diet and – possibly – use supplementation to ensure your body can keep up with you. It might be helpful to consult a personal trainer and dietician who will advise you on your choices, resolve any concerns you may have, and minimize the risk of potential injuries or effects of overtraining.
But if you’re planning your workout on your own, measure your body before kickstarting your exercise regime. Measure the circumference of various body parts, but keep in mind that you don’t always lose weight as fast and as much as you want to. In fact, you may even gain weight after months of intense workouts, which is due to an increase in muscle mass.
4. Common sense
What happens if you skip a workout during festivities, a public holiday weekend or a short trip? Nothing bad will happen – this is part and parcel of every workout routine😉. However, if your goal is body weight reduction, try not to overeat and have regular meals. It is also a good idea to combine your leisure time with spontaneous NEAT physical activities such as walking, taking the stairs instead of using an elevator, going on foot or by bike instead of driving, and frequently changing body positions during the day. These small activities will make it easier for you to get back on track with your workout plan, and help you shed unnecessary feelings of guilt.
5. Motivation
The issue of motivation should never be underestimated, as it is something that moves us to action. Good organizational skills are important, but without the vision and conviction that what you do makes sense your goals may appear very far off. Think about what motivates you. Training with a workout partner? Following famous athletes or personal trainers on their social media profiles, listening to podcasts about active lifestyle or perhaps reading books about the impact of sport on your health, well-being and character? Find your own motivator – and make sure to check the MultiSport Polska website and social media regularly. After all, we have a long track record of success in our area of expertise, and sport is ingrained in our DNA😉.
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