Healthy body, healthy... bacteria! Foods to boost your immune system

Our immune system keeps us safe each day, and defends us from all types of threats to our health that come from outside world. In this article, I will tell you which dietary ingredients can effectively boost our immune system.

The human immune system is like your personal army that carries out preventive measures or triggers all types of responses to fight an existing infection. Immunology has weapons on multiple fronts – our skin, mucosae and substances that cover them are the first line of defence. These structures form a barrier that considerably prevents harmful pathogens from entering and infecting the body. The key mechanism that provides effective protection is the antibodies’ ability to distinguish cells that are part of the body from harmful microorganisms and pathogens.

It is said that immunity is in the gut. And rightly so. Our bacterial flora, which is a major component of our immune system, is fed to a large extent by what we eat. To work properly, that internal defence needs the right chemical compounds, so it is a good idea to ask yourself a question: what should we add to our diet to make our body stronger?

Fatty acids

Fatty acids, including in particular omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, are the essential building blocks of our cells. They help the cell membrane work better and improve all vital processes. What is important in terms of immunity, the fatty acids increase the production of lymphocytes and lower the quantity of inflammatory molecules. People who suffer from infections or wish to prevent infections in the future will benefit from taking omega fatty acids. We can supplement that extremely important ingredient by eating:

  • fish, particularly: salmon, herrings, sprat, mackerel, carp and trout
  • vegetable oils, such as: flaxseed oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, rapeseed and soybean oil, or seaweed oil
  • nuts, including in particular: walnuts, Brazil nuts and almonds
  • chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, poppy seed and sesame
  • bird eggs
  • soy products

Take time to prepare a healthy menu – it is an excellent investment into your health. Naturally, building immunity is a process that takes time, patience and perseverance. However, by adding the above products to your diet, you should notice a difference within just a few weeks – after all, our immunity depends on the strength of our immunity system. So, if you want to enjoy a healthy life free from diseases, look for recipes that contain the above ingredients.