Healthy alternatives to sugar, or substances that will make your diet sweeter without ruining your health

Cutting down on sugar in your diet does not mean that you need to give up on the sweet taste altogether. After all, there is xylitol, erythrol, stevia and other less known sucrose substitutes. Get to know healthier alternatives to sugar, along with all of their advantages and disadvantages, and then decide which one is best suited to your needs.

Anna Urbańska

The alternatives to sugar come in handy when you want to reduce the calorie intake, counteract the negative effects of glucose spikes and, more generally, make a step towards healthier eating habits. White sugar is a source of empty calories, and there is an abundance of alternatives so that anyone can find one that suits their needs.

What’s the real reason for cutting down on sugar in your diet?

When searching for the perfect healthy substitute to sucrose (white sugar), it is a good idea to start with answering a simple question – what is your main reason for giving up on sugar? We all know that it is good to cut down on sugar, but let us remind you why it is so important. Consuming too much sugar in your diet has many negative effects:

  • A strain on the pancreas, increased risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.
  • Greater fluctuations of the blood glucose level intensifying the systemic inflammation which aggravates chronic diseases, causes the so-called brain fog, chronic fatigue and many other symptoms.
  • The risk of energy surpluses that lead to excess weight, obesity and their consequences for your health.
  • Poorer diet quality because it provides nearly no valuable microelements.
  • A higher concentration of triglycerides in the blood and other lipid disorders which accelerate the atherosclerotic process.
  • Aggravation of acne and skin lesions due to a high concentration of glucose (and insulin) in the blood.
  • Impaired liver function, and even fatty liver disease.

Depending on which health issue caused by excess sugar in your diet is the most urgent one for you, you can choose a sugar substitute that will not have these specific disadvantages. There really is a lot to choose from.

Polyols – sweet alcohols that resemble sugar, sugar alcohols

Polyols are very popular alternatives to sugar. They are valued for their minimal impact on the blood glucose level, low calorie content and sensory properties similar to white sugar. In chemical terms, polyols are not carbohydrates (sugars), but polyhydroxy alcohols, also known as sugar alcohols. They occur naturally in fruit and vegetables, such as plums, figs or strawberries. In addition to erythrol and xylitol which are the most popular polyols, other sweet polyols used as alternatives to sugar include: sorbitol, isomaltose, mannitol and maltitol.

Advantages of polyols as alternatives to sugar

  • Low glycaemic index. A slow absorption process which does not cause sudden glucose and insulin spikes.
  • A low calorie content (an overall calorie content for the entire polyol group set at 240 kcal per 100 g).
  • It may be used by people with diabetes and insulin resistance.

Disadvantages of polyols as alternatives to sugar

  • They may have a laxative effect, particularly at higher doses (>1 g per kilogram of body weight).
  • They have a cooling effect, or leave a refreshing aftertaste in your mouth, when consumed. It may be a bad thing, but sometimes it is a good thing (for example, in the case of chewing gums).