Rest seems to be an unwelcome necessity for many of us. We often forget about it or we purposefully skip the most important thing. Find out how to get some proper rest and why too frequent workouts may do you more harm than good.
Sleep well
The most important rest should be sleep. It is while you sleep that your muscles regenerate after physical effort and you recover the strength to face new challenges.
Avoid over-exercising
Insufficient regeneration and rest is worse than skipping some workouts. It will lead to lesions, injuries, irritability and physical weakness.
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Śpij dobrze
Najważniejszym odpoczynkiem powinien być sen. To właśnie w trakcie snu Twoje mięśnie regenerują się po wysiłku fizycznym, a Ty nabierasz sił na kolejne wyzwania.
Unikaj przetrenowania
Brak regeneracji i odpoczynku jest gorszy niż brak treningów. Będzie powodował urazy, kontuzje, rozdrażnienie oraz osłabienie organizmu.
Take some time off
Going overboard with your workout routine compromises your immunity and may lead to serious injuries and lesions. Plan at least one day a week with no workouts.
Rest the way you like it
You can do different things to rest and regenerate, including going to the sauna, having a massage or muscle rolling.
Exercise, but don’t sweat it
If you cannot go a single day without working out, regenerate “actively”, i.e. engage in some light low-impact exercise, such as walking your dog or taking a leisurely spin on your bike.