What to eat in August? 10 vegetables and fruits to include in your diet

August is a very fertile and abundant month. Farmers and amateur gardeners are harvesting and vegetable gardens are filled to the brim with colourful vegetables and fruit. Make the most of this time and enjoy the treasures of August.

Anna Urbańska

Which are the best fruits and vegetables to go for with health and good shape in mind and, at the same time, the household budget? Here are the vegetables and fruits that are best to buy in August.


August is the perfect time to reap handfuls of delicious tomatoes. The tomato season in Poland lasts approximately from July to October. It is in August that they the tastiest, especially compared to the tomatoes available in winter. Thanks to sun rays, the tomatoes become fleshy and sweet. They also produce healthy antioxidants.

The health value of tomatoes is mainly linked to the lycopene they contain. It is a very powerful natural antioxidant that is good for the heart, lowers cholesterol, but is most valued and known for its anti-cancer effects.

Good, large scientific studies show that frequent eating of lycopene-rich tomatoes counteracts cancers: prostate, lung, breast, liver, ovary, gastrointestinal tract and leukaemia.

Interestingly, more good quality lycopene is found in processed tomatoes than in fresh ones. This is the exception; it is usually recommended to eat as little processed fruit and vegetables as possible. In the case of tomatoes, processing them into puree, cooking, pouring oil over them and roasting them improves the bioavailability of the lycopene they contain. This is due to a change in its chemical structure: heat-treated tomatoes have more cis-lycopene, which is most easily absorbed.