CLA – What Is It and Will It Really Help You Lose Weight?

CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, has gained recognition as an effective way to lose weight. Is this another natural remedy that accelerates fat burning? What does research say about it? In this article you will find answers to the most important questions.

What is CLA and how does it work?

Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is a type of polyunsaturated fat, specifically an omega-6 fatty acid (although it should not be equated with it) [1]. It occurs naturally in dairy and meat. It is worth noting that the supplements you will find on the market, however, have a much higher concentration. Interestingly, CLA in the form of supplements first appeared on the market almost 20 years ago as a miracle weight-loss drug, whose effectiveness was confirmed by studies conducted on mice. Still, questions arise: can the same result be obtained in humans?

First of all, it is worth considering why CLA may have a fat-reducing effect. Researchers do not fully agree on this issue, so there are several theories on the subject.

  • The first is that CLA modulates fat metabolism, which helps the body use food for energy [2].
  • There is also some evidence that CLA reduces triglyceride accumulation and adipocyte differentiation – so, in simpler terms, it protects the body from the accumulation of excessive body fat [3].
  • A recent theory is that CLA supports weight loss because it accelerates the body’s metabolism by increasing energy expenditure and fat burning [4].

Does CLA really slim you down?

While animal tests show unequivocal weight loss through the use of CLA supplements, in humans it is much more difficult to indicate whether such treatment will work as expected. One older study (2003) found no effect on fat reduction in humans [5]. The latest studies by scientists also do not bring revelations. Yes, CLAs can positively affect human metabolism, and thus cause weight loss, but unfortunately – to a degree that is negligible and difficult to predict.

It is interesting to note, however, that in some patients, the supplements caused fat mass loss only in limited areas – for example, in the legs or waist [6]. Unfortunately, this is no guarantee that CLA preparations will allow you to slim down your chosen body part.

Is it therefore worth introducing them into the diet? It is important to remember that the basis for taking care of the figure is a well-balanced diet, tailored to the needs of the person. Second is physical activity – move regularly and as often as possible, eat properly, and you will definitely get results! Supplements can be a beneficial addition, but their effect is not guaranteed! It is worth trying them out and observing the effects over the next 2-3 months of use.