Cardio or Gym – How to Balance Physical Activity?

In the flurry of information on ever-better ways to improve health and figure, there are different voices on optimal physical activity. In the world of fitness, you will find advocates of both strength training and cardio. While the dispute may seem unresolvable, there is a method to find the “golden mean”.

Agata Brama

Key WHO recommendations

A starting point for finding a balance between strength training and cardio can be the official recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). According to current recommendations, people aged 18-64 should perform:

  • aerobic physical activity of moderate intensity for 150-300 minutes per week, or
  • 75-150 minutes of high-intensity aerobic activity.

Another recommendation is muscle-strengthening exercises of moderate or higher intensity that involve all major muscle groups. Such exercises should be performed a minimum of twice a week.

WHO points out that all physical activity counts. As indicated in the announcement, “physical activity can be done as part of work, sport and leisure or transport (walking, wheeling and cycling), as well as everyday household tasks.”

What to consider when choosing an activity?

Recommendations for the general population should be the starting point for creating an action plan in individual cases. Although the official recommendations are clear, when asked “What activity will be best for me?”, I always give the favourite answer of trainers and dietitians, namely: “It depends”.

Choosing the right physical activity depends on many individual factors:

  • age, gender, weight,
  • health,
  • lifestyle,
  • workout goals,
  • preferences concerning satisfaction from doing certain activities.

For a slim 22-year-old man who is looking to build muscle mass, strength training will be a priority, but for a 44-year-old woman struggling with Hashimoto’s, cardio training will be suitable. Everyone is different and has different needs, so it is impossible to clearly define the ideal balance between strength training and aerobics.