Beetroot – A Vegetable With Superpowers. What Benefits Does It Provide to Athletes?

It lowers blood pressure, regulates cholesterol, and thanks to nitrates it can improve sports performance and relieve muscle soreness after training — quite extraordinary powers for an ordinary beetroot! Today we will take a closer look at this vegetable. And we guarantee that it’s worth including in your diet, especially in autumn and winter.

Properties of beetroots

In an article about sweet potatoes, we mentioned that they are classified as a so-called functional food. Beetroots too! What does it mean? Functional foods have scientifically proven medicinal properties that have the potential to affect our bodies by incorporating them into our diets. This means that we do not need to consume a very large amount of beetroot for its extraordinary power to take effect. It is enough for it to appear regularly in our meals.

Beetroot is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, as well as fibre, minerals, phytosterols (compounds that exhibit anti-cancer activity), nitrates and betalains, which are considered potent antioxidants because they reduce oxidative stress [2].

Beetroots and their preserves are also an excellent source of vitamin C, A and B vitamins [3].

Scientific studies prove that they are an invaluable source of nutritional value, and their health benefits are difficult to overestimate. They regulate blood pressure, help fight bad cholesterol and lower blood glucose levels. Thanks to their high fibre content, they are good for the intestines and digestive system, and are also a valuable component of a weight loss diet. Beetroot supplements are also used to treat diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.