Autumn is not a great season for active people. Shorter days, fickle weather, and an increased risk of catching a cold may prevent you from sticking to your regular exercise routine. Even though most of us experience a drop in motivation when the summer is gone, it really pays off to try to stay motivated even when it gets hard. It’s possible with MultiSport!
Sports activities for the autumn season: stick to what you like best or try something new
As the winter is approaching, even those most active and motivated may prefer cuddling up under a blanket to getting into their sports gear. Of course, this is largely a matter of biology. A drop in energy levels, general weakness, and a decrease in well-being may be related to the so-called "autumn blues" – impaired functioning triggered by less sunlight and deteriorating weather. A decline in motivation might also occur as a result of cutting down your outdoor activities and having an increased appetite (in autumn, you want to eat more, and after eating you don't really feel like working out). Yet despite all these hurdles, regular physical activity in autumn is possible, and what's more, it's highly recommended. Why? Because, as we all know, sport boosts the body's immune system, reducing the risk of seasonal infections.
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Aktywności sportowe na jesień: ulubione, a może… nowe?
Pokusa wskoczenia pod koc zamiast w strój sportowy może teraz dopaść nawet tych najbardziej zmotywowanych i aktywnych. To oczywiście w dużej mierze kwestia biologii – spadek energii, ogólne osłabienie organizmu i pogorszenie samopoczucia może być związane z tzw. przesileniem jesiennym, czyli mniejszą dawką światła słonecznego i nieuchronnym pogorszeniem pogody. Spadek motywacji wiąże się też czasem z koniecznością ograniczenia aktywności na świeżym powietrzu, a nawet zwiększonym łaknieniem (jesienią bardziej chce się jeść, a po jedzeniu – nie bardzo chce się ćwiczyć…). Mimo to regularna aktywność jesienią jest możliwa, a co więcej bardzo wskazana, bo jak wiadomo uprawianie sportu wpływa na pracę układu odpornościowego i sprawia, że rzadziej łapiemy sezonowe infekcje.
If you want to keep up your active lifestyle in autumn, challenge yourself to continue the activities you like best, including outdoor pursuits such as running, cycling or Nordic walking. If the weather gets worse, you can always swap the unfavorable outdoors for an indoor sports facility, where you'll find not only an exercise bike or a treadmill, but also plenty of inspiration to take on new sports challenges. A note to remember: set realistic goals for your autumn training. If you have a tough day or you feel that the weather spoils your workout, cut your training short or swap it for a different type of exercise, but don't put it off until spring! And another thing: there's no better cure for discouragement than a new challenge. So maybe autumn is a great time to discover all those activities that you've never tried but always wanted to?
Remember that your MultiSport card gives you an opportunity for an all-round workout whatever the season. This autumn, we encourage you to max out on your physical activity: strength training to improve muscular strength and motivation, energy-boosting cardio workout, and some stretching and relaxation to wind down. Are you ready to get you out of your lazy autumn mood? Do it today!