Acai berries – discover their amazing properties

Acai berries belong to the category of superfoods. Native to South America, they are highly regarded for their health benefits, including slimming, antioxidant, and immune-boosting properties. Acai berries accelerate the body’s recovery processes, which is why they are frequently included in the diets of athletes. What else should you know about them?

Acai berries are rich in polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals

High content of polyphenols (natural antioxidants) makes this dark purple fruit one of the most abundant sources of antioxidant compounds which help counteract the effects of free radicals within the body. Based on their antioxidant properties, acai berries contribute to enhancing the immune system. It’s also important to note that acai berries are included in the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) database containing food products rich in plant-based antioxidants. 

In addition, acai berries are a true treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium.

Acai berries can aid weight loss

These low-calorie fruits (approximately 60–70 kcal per 100 grams) may help with shedding extra kilograms and reducing cholesterol levels. Rich in dietary fiber and omega 3-6-9 fatty acids, they provide a prolonged feeling of fullness, supporting weight loss.

Scientists have conducted studies on rabbits fed acai berries. The studies found that in addition to their cholesterol-lowering properties acai berries have anti-atherosclerotic effects.

Acai berries provide a range of health and beauty benefits

Unsaturated fatty acids found in this fruit contribute to the proper functioning of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Acai berries are highly effective in combating heart disease, reducing the risk of heart attacks and helping to prevent cancer. The compounds contained in acai berries help slow down brain aging processes.

Because of its high antioxidant content, acai berry extract is used in the production of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle skincare products. They aid in maintaining a youthful and radiant appearance for longer. By contributing to the prevention of wrinkles, they help to keep the skin young.