Rope parks are primarily associated with summer vacation and family fun – but fans of sport activities know them as prime locations for strengthening body and spirit. Do you want to ride waves of adrenaline, strengthen your muscles, improve your coordination and have great fun all at the same time? Visit a rope park with a MultiSport card!
What to keep in mind during your first visit to a rope park
A rope park is a professional construction of interconnected ropes, bridges, beams and platforms, located at different heights between naturally growing trees or special poles. It allows visitors to tackle overground routes with obstacles of varying difficulty – from the simplest paths that are even suitable for children to more advanced sequences for true fans of extreme challenges.
Traditional rope parks are most popular during the spring and summer months, when the fun of sports moves outdoors, but increasingly these facilities are being created e.g. inside city trampoline parks, where visitors can test their strength and skill irrespective of the weather. This kind of physical activity does not technically require any athletic preparation aside from a mini warm-up before starting the course, though an intense fear of heights or certain health contraindications may prevent some individuals from engaging in this challenge.
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Tradycyjne parki linowe kojarzą się z sezonem wiosenno-letnim, kiedy można cieszyć się sportową zabawą na świeżym powietrzu, ale coraz więcej tego typu obiektów powstaje np. przy miejskich parkach trampolin, gdzie spróbujesz swoich sił we wspinaczce niezależnie od pogody. Taka forma aktywności nie wymaga w zasadzie żadnego fizycznego przygotowania, może poza minirozgrzewką przed wejściem na trasę – a ewentualną przeszkodą do podjęcia wyzwania może być tylko bardzo silny lęk wysokości albo konkretne przeciwwskazania zdrowotne.
If the only thing keeping you from visiting a rope park is not knowing if you have what it takes, take that final leap by scheduling a visit to the park of your choice.
The courses are truly varied in terms of degree of difficulty, so you won’t be overwhelmed during your first attempts.
Before stepping on your first rope, you will undergo a brief, but thorough technical training in belaying.
You will also be provided with all the necessary belaying equipment: a helmet, harness and belay device with auto-lock carabiners for attaching yourself to each sequence of rope.
The range of facilities available to you thanks to the MultiSport card features only professional rope parks, which meet all safety standards and are supervised by experienced and helpful instructors.
As with any kind of physical activity, navigating a rope course can result in minor injuries: bruises, skin abrasions or strained tendons. However, if you follow the guidance provided by the instructors, the risk of serious injuries is very small, while the excitement and satisfaction you’ll get from completing a course is guaranteed!
Benefits of rope course training
As little as 30-40 minutes on the ropes can give you not only a rush of adrenaline, but will also put your muscles to the test. Regular training sessions are a great way to sculpt your body: from the wrists and arms, and the muscles of the back and buttocks to the thighs and calves, which are fully engaged as you “walk” the ropes. By conquering a tricky route, you are not only developing coordination, balance and precision movements, but also stimulating your senses to achieve maximum concentration.
At the rope park you will learn basic techniques used by alpine climbers, develop consistency in action and overcome weaknesses, but also unwind from daily obligations while reinforcing your faith in your own abilities with each new level you vanquish.
Are you in? Great! Remember to:
wear comfortable sports clothing: long pants and shirts with long sleeves are best for outdoor parks to prevent abrasions and provide additional protection from the sun;
bring sports shoes with hard, non-slip soles, if possible covered (for additional protection of the feet);
have non-slip socks or a change of shoes if you are going to an indoor rope park (suitable socks are usually available on site);
bring sports gloves like the kind worn while cycling or at the gym: although they are not obligatory, they will keep your hands safe from abrasions;
remove jewellery which could get caught on elements of the course (very long fingernails are also not recommended);
tie back long hair: it may look spectacular blowing in the wind during your zip-line descent, but not so good tangled in a pulley…
Thanks to the MultiSport card, you too can be king of the jungle!