Even if you have no first-hand experience with yoga, you probably know someone who cannot imagine life without it ... Why? Because the phenomenon of yoga flows from the fact that its beneficial and versatile effects on the body and mind can already be felt after the first sessions. Do not worry about not being able to assume all the “poses” – with the MultiSport card you will quickly discover that yoga is an activity for everyone!
Yoga is good for everything – truly!
It is well known that yoga trains the body and soul … but what does that actually mean? Originating in Hindu culture, this “art of life” consists in physical and mental self-improvement , the aim of which is to achieve peace and inner harmony by focusing on one’s breathing and adopting specific positions, or so-called asanas. You are probably familiar with the picturesque names for poses such as “Lotus Flower”, “Tree” or “Sun Salutation”? Although they describe specific positions the practitioner should assume and hold, they also have philosophical overtones and are associated with energy derived directly from nature.
Ancient yogis knew about the universally positive influence of yoga, and modern scientific research has thoroughly confirmed it. Full body control while engaging in this exercise, combined with conscious, multi-stage breathing strengthens all key aspects of the human body, such as:
- physical fitness;
- physiology and hormonal regulation;
- mental and emotional balance.
Yoga strengthens and tones the body, improves the flexibility of muscles and joints, effectively relieves tension and pain, and boosts coordination. The breathing control necessary while exercising, in turn, ensures thorough oxygenation of the internal organs, as well as stabilises the proper regulation of hormones in the blood. And finally, yoga relieves tension, teaches you how to consciously relax, recognise emotions and cope with everyday stress. It often inspires people to give up harmful habits, change their diet, and even improve relationships with other people. In one word, it significantly increases one’s quality of life, as long as it is practised systematically and devotedly.
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Joga jest dobra na wszystko – naprawdę!
Powszechnie wiadomo, że joga to trening ciała i duszy… ale co to właściwie znaczy? Wywodząca się z kultury hinduskiej „sztuka życia” polega na samodoskonaleniu fizycznym i umysłowym, którego celem jest osiągnięcie spokoju i wewnętrznej harmonii poprzez koncentrację na oddechu i przyjmowaniu określonych pozycji ciała tzw. asan. Z pewnością nieobce są Ci malownicze nazwy, takie jak „Kwiat Lotosu”, „Drzewo” czy „Powitanie Słońca”? Choć opisują konkretne pozycje, w jakich powinniśmy unieruchomić nasze ciało, mają też wydźwięk filozoficzny i kojarzą się z energią czerpaną wprost z natury.
O wszechstronnie pozytywnym wpływie jogi wiedzieli już starożytni jogini, a współczesne badania naukowe gruntownie to potwierdziły. Pełna kontrola nad ciałem podczas wykonywania ćwiczeń, w połączeniu ze świadomym, wieloetapowym oddychaniem wzmacnia wszystkie kluczowe dla nas obszary, czyli:
- zdrowie fizyczne;
- fizjologię i gospodarkę hormonalną;
- psychikę i emocjonalną równowagę.
Joga usprawnia i wysmukla ciało, wpływa na elastyczność mięśni oraz stawów, skutecznie łagodzi napięcia i bóle, a także wzmacnia koordynację. Kontrola oddechu niezbędna podczas ćwiczeń zapewnia z kolei gruntowne dotlenienie organów wewnętrznych, a także stabilizuje prawidłową ilość hormonów we krwi. I wreszcie – joga odpręża, uczy świadomego relaksu, rozpoznawania emocji i radzenia sobie z codziennym stresem. Często staje się też inspiracją do porzucenia szkodliwych nawyków, zmiany diety, a nawet poprawy relacji z innymi ludźmi. Jednym słowem, znacząco podnosi jakość życia, o ile praktykujemy ją systematycznie i z pełnym zaangażowaniem.
Practising yoga – at home or in a yoga school?
Yoga can be practised both at home and in group classes at a yoga school under the supervision of a teacher. If you want to start on your own, be sure to follow our professional online beginner course. It is important to follow the lessons chronologically, from the simplest basic asanas to more complex ones, listening carefully to the technical tips on correct posture and breathing. This kind of course with an experienced yogi is offered in the MultiSport Zone – Yoga ABC.
However, it makes sense to take your first steps with yoga during classes at a yoga school. Direct contact with the teacher is important because the instructor can correct your poses on an ongoing basis, as well as dispel any doubts as to your technique in individual asanas. In addition, group classes provide an opportunity to experience the extraordinary energy that comes from practising yoga with others and learn pranayama, i.e. breath control, which has a key impact on the body’s energy supply and proper flow.
You don’t need any special preparation or equipment to start your adventure with yoga, except perhaps a non-slip mat, which you can easily buy or rent at a yoga school selected by the multisport search engine.
And before you jump onto your mat:
- Take off your shoes and socks: let your feet breathe and connect with the ground.
- Put on a comfortable outfit that is pleasant to the touch: you don’t want to be distracted by coarse fabric or a constrictive elastic band.
- Forget about your responsibilities and problems: use the session to concentrate fully on your body and allow yourself to breathe in the peace that will give you strength.