Discover our delicious and healthy breakfast ideas. There’s something for all tastes – whether you have a sweet tooth or prefer something savoury. Enjoy!
Pistachio guacamole
Sandwiches don’t have to be boring. Try to experiment a little with what you put on the bread – always remember to add some vegetables (tomatoes, lettuce, fresh or pickled cucumbers, etc.) and herbs rich in antioxidants: dill, oregano, basil, or marjoram. You can also try out one of the healthy options below
Ingredients for 4-5 sandwiches:
1 avocado
2 tbsp lime/lemon juice
3 tbsp pistachios
3 tbsp chopped chives
Salt and pepper
STEP 1. Combine a perfectly soft avocado, pistachios, salt, pepper, and lime/lemon juice in a blender jar and blend until smooth.
STEP 2. Add finely chopped chives to the spread. All done!
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Pistacjowe guacamole
Kanapki nie muszą być wcale nudną propozycją. Pokombinuj trochę z tym, co położysz na chleb – zawsze pamiętaj o dodatku warzyw (pomidorów, sałaty, ogórków świeżych czy kiszonych itd.) oraz ziół bogatych w antyoksydanty: koperku, oregano, bazylii czy majeranku. Kilka zdrowych propozycji znajdziesz poniżej
Składniki na 4-5 kanapek:
Awokado – 1 sztuka
Sok z limonki/cytryny – 2 łyżki
Pistacje – 3 łyżki
Szczypiorek – 3 łyżki pokrojonego
Pieprz, sól
Sposób przygotowania:
KROK 1. Idealnie miękkie awokado blendujemy razem z pistacjami, solą, pieprzem oraz sokiem z cytryny/limonki.
KROK 2. Do tak przygotowanej masy dodajemy drobno posiekany szczypiorek. Gotowe!
Quark with smoked mackerel
Ingredients for 5-6 sandwiches:
100 g smoked mackerel
100 g low-fat quark
3 scallions – both the green and the white parts
Coarsely ground black pepper
2 tsp yoghurt
Mash mackerel, quark and yoghurt vigorously with a fork. The spread doesn’t need to be perfectly smooth.
Finely chop the onions, mix them into the spread and season with freshly ground black pepper.
Due to the high salt content of mackerel, the spread should be salty enough. But if it still tastes bland to you, feel free to add a pinch of salt.

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Spinach and red onion omelette
A breakfast classic – perfect for increasing your protein intake. You can substitute the fresh vegetables in the recipe with whatever you want. Chives, kale, dill pickles, grilled zucchini or aubergine will work just as well.
3 eggs
1 large handful fresh spinach
A few slices red onion
½ large tomato or a few cherry tomatoes
10-15 black olives
Oregano and basil
Salt and pepper
1 tsp rapeseed oil
Break the eggs into a small bowl and whisk vigorously. Season with salt, pepper and herbs.
Cut olives and add them to the egg mixture.
Heat oil in the skillet. Pour in the egg mixture.
Dice the tomato and cut the onion into feathers.
When the egg mixture starts to set, add spinach, onions and tomatoes. Lift up the omelette at the edge and fold it in half. Put a lid on the skillet.
Cook for another 2-3 minutes and then transfer to the plate. All done!
Chocolate mousse
Not every sweet breakfast is packed with empty calories and sugar! The following sweet breakfast idea is rich in dietary fibre (approx. 12 g), antioxidants – including vitamins E and C, unsaturated fatty acids, potassium and magnesium. Eat healthy!
1 avocado (140 g)
½ banana (50 g)
1 heaped tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp honey (or syrup your choice)
A few vanilla seeds
For decoration:
A handful of nuts (cashews, almonds, pistachios etc.)
A few raspberries or blueberries
Roughly chop the avocado and banana. Add into the blender jar along with the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.
Transfer the mousse to a small bowl and sprinkle with nuts and berries. Your sweet breakfast is ready!