Fair Play with Nature! How to be more eco-friendly?

Learn how to actively protect the natural environment while doing genuinely inspiring things. Here are some initiatives which will resonate with many MultiSport users.

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A healthy lifestyle requires more than just regular workouts and a balanced diet – it is also about a reasonable approach to the natural environment. It is no news that there are many different forms of physical exercise you can engage in and working out to help the planet is as important as staying fit to improve you own health and wellbeing. Ultimately, the condition of the natural environment has a huge impact on our quality of life and... vice-versa.

The youth in action

In recent years, the social media has been awash with news of sustainability projects run by young people. Among their champions and leaders is the charismatic 18 year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg. In August 2018 she staged a protest against high carbon dioxide emission levels in front of the Swedish Parliament building, becoming the leader of the Youth Strike for Climate. One year later she was hailed Person of the Year by Time. Ever since, it has been even easier to find online news about inspiring activities undertaken by young people with curious minds, trying to make the world a better place.

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Młodzi działają

W ostatnim czasie, w mediach społecznościowych, aż huczy od eko inicjatyw podejmowanych przez młodych. Bohaterką i liderką dla wielu z nich stała się charyzmatyczna, 18-letnia aktywistka klimatyczna, Greta Thunberg, która w sierpniu 2018 roku rozpoczęła protest pod budynkiem szwedzkiego parlamentu przeciwko wysokiej emisji dwutlenku węgla, stając na czele Młodzieżowego Strajku Klimatycznego, a rok później została Człowiekiem Roku według Time. Od tej pory w sieci tym łatwiej trafić na inspirujące działania podejmowane przez młode, ciekawe świata, osoby z myślą o świecie właśnie.

It is interesting to know that we have our own programme called FAIR PLAY WITH NATURE. We segregate waste at the office, we print documents on environmentally-friendly recycled paper and collect second-hand clothing to help people in need and give old clothes a new lease on life.

But that’s not all! Some of our colleagues are ECO-AMBASSADORS and share their own ideas for leading a more sustainable life.

You are also welcome to join in the movement which has been setting everyone across the globe in motion!