8 Benefits of Pilates

Pilates is one of the safest forms of physical activity the aim of which is to make all muscle parts flexible and stretched. The basis of this system is to perform exercises without stress or intense exertion and to combine them with concentration of the mind while fully controlling the breath.

Who should do pilates?

It is said that pilates is one of the static forms of physical activity, dedicated to people who wish to strengthen postural muscles and the so-called deep muscles of the torso, or recover from injuries. This type of exercise is also useful for those working at a computer. It is performed on a mat, and a more advanced version is performed on a machine called a reformer.

Pilates against the wall or in a pool is also gaining popularity. The latter, in particular, is suitable for people after injuries and even those with heart problems. Why’s that? Pilates does not strain the joints and is devoid of sudden movements or jumps. In the simplest terms, the movements performed during exercise are, by definition, slow but very effective.

What are the benefits of pilates?

1. Strengthened muscles: especially abdominal, back, pelvic, leg and arm muscles. Regular practice helps increase muscle strength.

2. Stretching and flexibility: pilates involves stretching movements that improve flexibility of muscles and joints, which is important for overall body mobility.

3. Increased balance: pilates classes help consciously shape the body, which leads to, among others, increased balance.

4. Improved posture: pilates focuses on strengthening the deep abdominal muscles, which improves spinal stability and enforces correct posture.