7 ways to speed up your metabolism

In the 21st century, when heavily processed food is increasingly abundant and opportunities to exercise are few and far between, many people are looking for solutions to simply but effectively boost their thermogenesis and improve their metabolic health. Plenty of options are available: some require bigger and others smaller lifestyle adjustments. Choose the best methods from our lineup of 7 tips and tricks to crank up your metabolic rate!

Agata Brama

1. Get up from that chair

A sedentary lifestyle is a metabolism killer. Prolonged sitting has an adverse effect on health, slowing down your metabolism (as a result of lack of physical activity) and making your body pack on the pounds.

Office work is not the only culprit. An average individual in the 21st century only engages in limited non-exercise associated physical activity even outside of work – we drive everywhere, we use smart home solutions and enjoy the ease of accessing virtually any products or services through our mobile phones.

If you want to tweak your metabolism, remember to consciously create opportunities to be physically active in your everyday life, rather than only at the gym. Make an effort to walk everywhere and try to get up as much as you can during the day or even take active breaks from work.

2. HIIT for a better metabolic rate

HIIT – high intensity interval training is pure gold for your metabolism. If the intensity is just right, it will speed up your metabolism not only during the workout, but also for many hours after you are done training.

Tabata is a good example of a HIIT workout. It is an interval training routine where you do an exercise for 4 minutes, alternating between intervals of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest in 8 rounds. Every interval, whether you choose Tabata or a different HIIT style, should be performed at top intensity, and during the work interval your heart rate should be close to 90-95% of your maximum value (HR max).

Read also: “Heart rate zones – what are they and why is it important to know them?”.

3. Build up your muscles

Muscles are the most metabolically active tissue in your body. They consume the greatest amounts of energy during the day and the more calories you burn, the faster (colloquially speaking) your metabolism gets. Naturally, the more muscles you have, the more energy you need to maintain them. If you want to protect your metabolic and overall health, make sure you have the optimum amount of muscle tissue in your body. This is important in terms of future-proofing, because we always lose muscle mass as we grow older. By regularly building up your muscles, you will speed up your metabolism now and for the future.

Strength training is the best option to generate new muscle fibres. You can work with your own body weight or with weight equipment, such as a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells.

Read also: “12 reasons to start working out at the gym – from the perspective of a personal trainer.