7 healthiest exotic fruits you need to try this summer!

Exotic fruits have always been very popular in Poland. Especially that the older generations still remember the times when such produce was not imported to our country. Today, we can enjoy the taste of pineapples, mangos, bananas, kiwis and many other delicious foods! Why is it worth adding fruits that are more exotic to your diet? Let’s have a closer look.

7 exotic fruits that are healthy, delicious and smell of summer all year round

Exotic fruits are rich in vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, as well as dietary fibre and antioxidants (which have anti-cancer properties) [1]. They have anti-inflammatory properties, help lower the blood pressure and support the fight against the diabetes. Which of them are the healthiest? We chose the ones that are easy to buy, also in the winter when there are not too many local fruits available in Poland.

1. Mango

Mango is loaded with fibre which supports the bowel function and prevents constipation. It contains vitamin K which is responsible for blood coagulability, among other things, prevents iron deficiency and strengthens the bones. As nearly all exotic fruits, mangos are filled with vitamin C which is invaluable for strengthening performance in people who are physically active and which supports muscle recovery post-workout [2].

Mango is also a source of magnesium and potassium which regulate the blood pressure and work wonders for the cardiovascular system.

Mango is an extremely sweet and juicy fruit. It can be eaten by itself but it is also excellent in fruit salads, smoothies or in the famous mango lassi drink which is made with coconut milk.

You can eat fresh mango in South Asian countries, mainly in India, Pakistan and in the Philippines.

2. Kiwi

Available in virtually every grocery store, it has become common now but it is still worth considering! According to research [3], kiwi is extremely rich in vitamin C, fibre, potassium, vitamin E and folic acid; it is also loaded with a wide range of antioxidants, nutrients and enzymes which are beneficial to human body. It has been scientifically proven that kiwi is good for proper digestion and is recommended to people who have gastrointestinal problems.

Just one kiwi will satisfy the daily intake of vitamin C! That is why it is a good idea to eat it on a regular basis and add it to your smoothies, oatmeal and desserts.

You can try fresh kiwi in New Zealand, Australia, California and Chile.

3. Pineapple

Pineapple is the embodiment of exoticism because it has very strong connotations with the tropics. We have some good news for people who love pineapples – this fruit is a treasure trove of health benefits! It contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese (one glassful of pineapple juice satisfies 75% of the daily intake), zinc and B vitamins which are good for athletes. Just 100g of pineapple will satisfy 80% of vitamin C daily intake.

It is worth mentioning that pineapples contain vitamin B1, or thiamine, which according to one of the studies:

“[...] is important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The substance also impacts the performance of the cardiovascular system and of the muscles. It is involved [...] in glucose metabolism, slowing down the pace of metabolic changes in type 1 diabetes or preventing those changes, and is of key importance for red cell production” [4].

Note: You’d better avoid canned pineapples as they contain added sugar, and buy fresh fruits instead.

While travelling abroad, you can buy pineapples in Brazil, Mexico, China, Thailand and in the Philippines, among many other countries.