6 Tips to Make 2024 Your Fit Year

This time you will manage to keep your New Year’s resolutions! Science is on your side. As long as you use it properly.

The end of the year and the beginning of the next is the perfect time to recap and make plans. During this period, many of us conclude that it is time to abandon bad habits and develop good ones. In short, it’s time to get fit. Unfortunately, the New Year’s enthusiasm often passes after a few visits to the gym or attempts to go for a morning jog.

How to approach this so that you can actually achieve your sports goals in the coming year? You can find the answers in psychology and business. That is, where issues of motivation and implementation of plans have been examined in every detail. Here are six tips to make it work this time!

1. Find partners

Interestingly, this is advice that can also be used by those who exercise alone. You don’t have to train with a group in order to leverage the power of the community and maintain sports motivation. All you have to do is announce your goal to your friends, family, or even the people following you on social media. This alone will make it easier for you to persevere in your resolution. Of course, it would also be ideal to find a partner or partners in the sports struggle. The group naturally motivate one another. Skipping a workout becomes more difficult when you have friends waiting for you at the gym.

What does science say about this? According to psychology, the sense of belonging and respect are extremely high in our pyramid of needs. We naturally seek group recognition. We are anxious to do well in front of others. It’s easier to break a word given only to yourself. In line with the rule of commitment and consistency, we also want our image to be based on reliability. Word given in public (even through a social media post) is binding on us.

2. Go with the flow

The English term “flow” is often used to describe what artists call “inspiration”. The hours spent on a project then seem to pass like minutes, and our involvement is entirely natural. How to achieve such “flow” in fitness? Find your perfect sport. Something that will make you so happy that you will automatically “go with the flow”, and then additional motivation will be unnecessary. Remember, however, that in order to find it, you must first search. So don’t decide right away that you’re going to start swimming in 2024 because a friend who loves the sport tells you so. Try out different disciplines, see what is most fun for you. Give yourself a few months to do so. The discovery process itself can provide additional motivation.

What does science say about this? According to researchers involved in the flow theory, it is finding an optimal challenge that is important. It will be different for everyone, of course, but there are two key issues that always stay the same: the task should not be too easy (because it will quickly bore you) or too difficult (because it will only frustrate you), and it should support your natural skills and competencies.

3. Invest!

No one likes to lose their invested funds. Whether it is time, money, or any other asset. How to use it to be fit? In addition to the natural investment of time and energy, you may want to treat yourself to equipment or shoes. They will remind you that it is not worth wasting the money you have already spent.

What does science say about this? Psychologists call this the sunk cost effect. The name carries unpleasant connotations, and indeed, this theory is often used to explain why we keep on doing something we are uncomfortable with. This is why so many people watch a boring film to the end, saying “I've already spent an hour, so I don’t want this to go to waste”. However, the same mechanism can be used for good purposes! For example, to get over the natural decline in motivation. Later on, once the sport has become a habit for you, you won’t have to think about the costs invested.

Read also: “Running Shoes – Five Ways to Find Your Perfect Pair”.