5 cold soup recipes. A refreshing, delicious dish for hot days.

Cold soups, as the name suggests, help with cooling down when the temperatures hit summer high. On top of that, they’re a great way to use seasonal vegetables and serve them in a unique way. Cold soups are easy to make. Once ready, just reach into the fridge for a quick taste of summer. Check out our recipes for this refreshing dish in several variants. We’ve put together cold soup options for lovers of traditional cuisine and vegans.

1. ‘Fit’ version of traditional Lithuanian cold soup

Lithuanian cold soup goes back to the times of the Jagiellonian dynasty when traditional Polish cuisine opened itself up to Lithuanian culinary influences and vice versa. There’s no better proof of the popularity of this soup than the fact that it is repeatedly featured in Pan Tadeusz, Poland’s national epic. Why not try your hand at this long-established recipe? It’s based on healthy ingredients and, properly prepared, it will help to support your diet. We recommend the basic, though ‘slimmed down’, version of this culinary classic. We’ve eliminated two ingredients, full-fat cream and sugar, from the recipe. But rest assured – without an adverse impact on flavor! Quite the opposite – just one spoonful will bring back the memory of how delicious and refreshing it is!

Ingredients (serves 3–4):

  • 2 bunches beet greens
  • 1L buttermilk or kephir
  • 3 cucumbers (medium size)
  • 1 large bunch radishes
  • 1 bunch scallions
  • 1 bunch dill
  • salt and pepper
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs (optionally)

Clean the beet greens and beetroot under water, dice, and put in a pot. They need to be cooked to make stock. Pour water over the vegetables and add salt to taste (like when boiling potatoes). Cook for about 10 minutes and then leave aside until cool.

Peel the cucumbers (if you like) and grate them coarsely together with the radishes. If you prefer, you can cut them into very small cubes. Put the vegetables in a strainer, salt lightly, and leave them to let juice. Meanwhile, chop the dill and chives.

Put buttermilk or kephir into a bowl (or pot) and add all of the beet greens stock. Put the lemon juice in and check the flavor. Add the strained vegetables and chopped ingredients. Season with salt to taste and add some black pepper. Put the finished cold soup in the fridge for at least an hour for all the flavors to come together.

Serve on its own or with a hard-boiled egg.

Beet greens are a real superfood that keeps your body strong. For other recipes prepared by a dietitian that will make you fall for beet leaves, click HERE.