What will you gain from participating in MultiSport’s challenge?
- You’ll learn how to manage your diet to enhance your metabolism.
- You’ll explore healthy and delicious recipes.
- You’ll set up a month’s long exercise regimen with a nutritious diet.
- You’ll find out which training methods to use to kick-start your metabolism.
- You’ll see that changing small things can have a big impact on your metabolism.
- Join our “Burning challenge – Boost your metabolism in 30 days!”
- You will find that changing small habits can have a big impact on your metabolism
See what we have in store for you.
- Worksheet containing training and diet tips for 30 days.
- E-book prepared by dietitian Małgorzata Pielichowska. There, you’ll find recipes to ramp up your metabolism.
- LIVE training with personal trainer Piotr Galus on our MultiSport Poland social media platforms.
- Articles with expert advice on how to look after your metabolism.
- Valuable tips prepared by experts, available on our MultiSport Poland social media platforms.